There are three
prayer times in the month of Ramadan. Grab the virtue by continuing to multiply
Allah Shubhanahu Wa Ta’alla said :
Ibn Kathir Rahimahullah explains
that, this mentioned among the mention of the law of fasting. This shows the
suggestion to multiply prayer when the month of ramadhan is perfect, even Allah
Shubhanahu Wa Ta’alla ordered to multiply prayer in every time of breaking the
fast. (Tafsir Al-Qur’an Al-‘Azhim, 2: 66)
The statement said by
Ibn Kathir shows that the month of Ramadhan is one of the most effective times
of prayer. But, the prayer will be easyly granted if someone has true faith.
Ibn Taymiyyah said : “The
supplications of prayer is due to the true “I’TIQAD” (the believe in Allah
Shubhanahu Wa Ta’alla), the perfection of obedience because at the end of the
verse is mentioned,’and let them believe in Me, that they may be in truth’.” (Majmu’ah
Al Fatawa, 14: 33-34).
And three perfect times
to pray in the month of Ramadhan is :
1. At Dawn Time (the last third of the nights
Narrated from Abu Huraira,
Prophet Muhammad Shollallahu ‘Alaihi Wassalam said:
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)
(p.b.u.h) said, "Our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, comes every night
down on the nearest Heaven to us when the last third of the night remains,
saying: "Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to
invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request? Is
there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?" (Hadith
Bukhari No. 1145, Hadith Muslim No. 758)
Ibn Hajar also explained
the above hadith by saying, “Do’a and Istighfar at Dawn are easy to grant” (Fath
Al-Bari. 3: 32).
Narrated from Abu Huraira, Prophet
Muhammad Shollallahu ‘Alaihi Wassalam said:
people whose prayers are not rejected: the one who fasts until he breaks fast,
the fair leader, and the pray of the people who be hurted”
(Hadith Ahmad 2 : 305 )
Imam Nawawi rahimahullah said, "The one who is fasting to multiply prayer for the sake of the hereafter and his world, also he may pray for the intentions he wants, so do not forget the prayer of good for the Muslims in general." (Al -Majmu ', 6: 273) 3. At Breaks the Fast
Abu Hurairah narrated that the
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“There are three whose supplication
is not rejected: The fasting person when he breaks his fast, the just leader,
and the supplication of the oppressed person; Allah raises it up above the
clouds and opens the gates of heaven to it. And the Lord says: ‘By My might, I
shall surely aid you, even if it should be after a while.’”(Hadith Attirmidzi
No. 3598)
Many of ‘Ulama said : when breaks the fast is perfect time to pray, Because
at that time we are in a clean state after fasting for one day.
Thanks to
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