In this modern era, technology is growing more rapidly. One of wich is the use of the internet in various fields of work. And agriculture is the one who using IoT (Internet Of Things) technology, known as digital farming / agriculture digital. As an example, a farmer who is also as a rancher who has a lot of dairy cows and cornfields were very wide would be difficult to monitor the growth of corn and livestock care simultaneously.
with the help of the internet and several other modern technological tools, will ease these problems. Where modern tool will be equipped with sensors and will collect data. Then with help of the internet, the data will be uploaded to the Cloud storage media. Where the data will be accessible in real time and accurate as possible via computer and android phone.
Sumber video : IoT Digital Farming With Krone
Nama : Ahmad Gilang Saputra
NPM : 20113422
Kelas : 4KB01
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